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Why does the color look different when I buy honey
From:Sangdi Hongybee  Post time:2022-08-23
Why does the color look different when I buy honey? It turns out that honey has these "greasy things". Honey is a kind of food that many people like very much in our life. We all know that most people like to drink this kind of honey because it is not only delicious but also has a good moisturizing effect.

But for this honey, why do we find that the color of this honey is not the same when we buy it? Later, we learned after listening to others' introduction that honey still has these greasy things. Let's learn about it together.

In fact, for this honey, the reason why the color is different is also because their honey itself is not the same. After all, we all know that these honey are collected from flowers, but the color of honey collected from each flower is naturally different, and its nutrients are also somewhat different. So for these honey, In addition to the different colors, the taste is also different.